It’s about living your best life for as long as possible.

If you are unable to make decisions about your own medical treatment and care, who will speak for you?

What will they say?

Loss of decision making capacity can be temporary - caused by illness, injury, medication or even alcohol. Or, it can be permanent as in the case of dementia.

Unless you die suddenly, this is when not if this happens

When this happens, someone will need to give consent for medical treatments including surgery, medication, and blood transfusions.

Where necessary, this will extend to things like who will cut your hair and where you will live.

Legally, we all have the right to make these decisions regardless of how other’s feel. But most of us don’t know or, we find out when it’s too late to take control.


This is where flamingo comes in


flamingo makes understanding the decisions everyone should make ahead of an emergency and documenting them easy and accessible.